Firstly, wow! you actually clicked on this link!
You must care about your privacy and we do too!
I'll try make this short and sweet... 

  • Culture Creatures is bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).
  • Standard website analytics details are collected from all users that visit our website to gauge our website performance for use to make decisions on improving our marketing and user experience.
  • We are thoughtful about the personal information we ask you to provide and the personal information that we collect about you through the operation of our services.
  • We may occasionally hire other companies to provide services on our behalf, including but not limited to handling customer support enquiries, processing transactions or customer freight shipping. Those companies will be permitted to obtain only the personal information they need to deliver the service. Culture Creatures takes reasonable steps to ensure that these organisations are bound by confidentiality and privacy obligations in relation to the protection of your personal information.
  • We store personal information for only as long as we have a reason to keep it.

Pretty common stuff but if you have any concerns about how your details are used by us please contact us.
If you are super paranoid about your privacy then you should probably get off the internet. Seriously.